
1) The inventor of laptops.  I heart him (or her).  Thanks to them I can blog this post from the comfort of my own bed at 12:20 am while resting my corn maize exhausted feet. 

2) The teachers, principals and counselors at my children's schools.  They are more than supportive of our family and  are going out of their way to help make sure that my kids are taken care of during the craziness of Ali's surgery and recovery.

3) The clever minds and nimble fingers that write the books that I can not live without reading.  After reading 3 Cups of Tea and Stones into Schools, it makes me doubly glad I not only can read, but have a wealth of materials at hand. 

1 comment:

Joan said...

Bring me a new list of books when you come, or better yet, bring me the books.