
~My good friend Kelli. I don't know what I would have done without her today.
~Being able to share books with my daughter.
~Watching Toby draw tonight. I love it when my kids are artistic.
~Made an mini album today and put gingerbread house pictures in it from 6 years ago...it was fun to go through the pictures of the kids.
~I learned how to make a robot icon in facebook. It wasn't actually the robot that made me so happy, (although it is fun) it was the fact that Alex taught it to me. Both my boys were over at their friends houses and were texting me once they saw I was on facebook. I love it that they want to talk to their mom.
This is actually for the 7th...time just got away from me tonight.

~Digital scrapbooking.  I am surprised how much I like it.  Plus, I can play with the computer from the comfort of my bed...no mess.  loll. I don't think it will ever replace paper crafts, but is does free me up to use the photos I love for paper crafts and keep everything else in digi format.
~Shon is happy as a clam camping at the Scout Rendezvous tonight.  Yuck better him than me.  It is supposed to get to 37 degrees tonight.  Could be why I am creaky.
~I love my bed.  I love having a heating pad for my feet (esp. with Shon gone) and my huge polar fleece blanket that I got at IKEA.  It is an awesome size and my favourite colour (gray). My bed is cozy.
~Scout dinner tonight, it was a fundraiser, so I was there working and the guest of honour was Billy Casper.  It was interesting to learn his history.


~Having kiddos old enough to help with dinner.  I helped Toby start baked Italian chicken, Joey made mashed potatoes and Liss cooked broccoli.  Alex cleaned the kitchen after dinner.  I couldn't stay for it because I had a Stake meeting tonight.  Stupid time for a meeting 6-7.
~Lipton's cup of soup and an apple for dinner for me tonight.  Simple but good.
~Shon is sleeping in an apartment and not a camp ground tonight.
~Joey had been having a ton of fun with spirit week.
~I like my kids.


~Finally some news on the roof so that we can move forward.
~The vinyl word Create on my laptop.  It makes me happy.
~I am reading an amazing book right now...I don't want it too end.
~Watching the kids get ready for the Homecoming parade.
~I stayed at Mutual tonight instead of just dropping the kids off and watched.  They played a round robin of games.  Everything from charades to Theatre games to catch phrase.  I liked seeing the kids interact.


I've decided that I don't like numbering these posts, it makes me feel limited.  :-) Time to try something new.

~Talked to Shon tonight, he has a line on an apartment in Hamilton, who knows, maybe we will end up there.
~Sent off our ATC cards, it will be fun to see what comes back.
~One Scout training down, 3 more to go.
~The color grey.  It makes me happy because it is such a great foil for every other color out there. 


October 3, 2011

1) Even though I am sad that Shon left today for Missoula, I am grateful that his bosses recognize his worth and work ethic.  I am also glad that we remember where this comes from.  Shon called a little while ago and he is safe and sound at the KOA.  He has an appointment to look at an apartment tomorrow.

2) I love this quote from the visiting teaching message

Latter-day Saint women who recognize that their strength comes from the Lord’s Atonement do not give up during difficult and discouraging times. As covenant keepers, we excel at upholding, nurturing, and protecting children and youth so that one day we might say of this rising generation, “Never had I seen so great courage, nay, not amongst all” (Alma 56:45).

3) Not the kids favorite FHE, however I love that we were able to give the kitchen a deep clean and pack up the family room tonight.  Chipping away at that list.


More for October 2, 2011

I am grateful for this talk, because going over it again has helped me get a grip on the whole post below. 

Forget Me Not - President Uchtdorf

October 2, 2011

1) Glad that there is a plan out there for our life...because I don't feel in control of anything right now.  I am struggling with waiting on someone else so that we can get on with our life in the Missoula area.  I hate feeling contentious and that sadly is how I feel until I remember that I can just turn it all over....now I need to work on the love thy neighbor thing, because right now I am not feeling the love for a certain person. 

2) I am grateful that I can create pretty things.  I am glad that Heavenly Father gave us talents.  It brings me pleasure to take raw material and turn it into tangible joy.

3) Having a craft room.  Our whole life is upside down, every room torn apart as we take down everything that makes it a home.  (ya ya, I know that love is what makes it a home...I mean what makes it a PRETTY home).  There is packing tape and touch up paint, and garbage...oh my heck where was all of the garbage in my kid's rooms hiding?) boxes, taking things out to storage...but surprisingly our realtor thought that I should leave my craft room upstairs intact.  There is very little on the walls, after repainting I didn't want holes in them.  He thinks that it looks bigger as a craft room than it did as a bedroom.  We turned the laundry room back into a utility room, took all of my craft shelves down and I need to patch and paint, so I am really glad to still have a sanctuary.  I keep it very neat, so it is easy to get ready to show it...and it just might keep me semi-sane during all of this.